Friday, March 10, 2017

Best Sports Movies (Part 1)

Sports movies are always a classic favorite in my household. From growing up with a sports enthusiast father, sports movies just became apart our lives, especially every Friday & Saturday night. So, here is a list of my favorite sports movies!

Remember The Titans
This is a classic. Might be the favorite of them all but Denzel's performance in this is just uncontested. I hate to admit it but I get a tad emotional at the end every single time. If you've ever played a high school sport you know how close the entire team gets. Especially a team that is bringing the community together. I just love it.

Field of Dreams
Two words: Kevin Costner. This was a classic movie we watched growing up at our family friends camp every year. VHS baby. If you really think about the premise, it's very scary that he was getting 'signs' but heck he did what they said and now we have a piece of art. This also made me check every corn field I came across...

Happy Gilmore
When you're talking best sports movies, this NEEDS to be mentioned. The one liners and quotes from this movie are just a given. YOU'RE GONNA DIE CLOWN! And this move may or may not have been performed at my wedding...

I wouldn't be lying if I told you I've seen this movie close to 25 times. It's one of the best sports movies to this day. It's based a true story that I was far to young to remember but still epic nonetheless. The performance of this entire cast was just well done. Favorite part? AGAIN.

Slap Shot
Again, remember watching this one on VHS? And getting upset your younger brother never rewound the entire VHS all the way!!!! To be honest, any comeback, underdog movie will make my top 10 always and throw some straight punches in the mix... makes for an all around winning film.

I'll leave you with those 5 for now! Part 2 will be coming soon. We've got an important sports Sunday this week. Selection Sunday, folks!!! Who's in, who's out... I mentioned before I hate to jinx anyone so I'll give my opinions come Monday! Happy Weekend.

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